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Facebook Comments & Plugins Comes Pre-Installed With Template

BlogrCart Mukabuku comments is converted to reviews and still uses Blogger default commenting system. The cool things is that the Blogger comment system styles has been upgraded with custom styles in making sure the entire template layout fits nicely.

For PRO versions, users can opt for the pre-installed Facebook comment system. Users are required to create your own App ID at facebook in order to fully utilize the comments system included. A full tutorial with illustrations is included to quick start your own App ID with facebook.

Cras faucibus nisi a interdum fermentum. Suspendisse blandit sed lacus scelerisque tincidunt. Vestibulum non mattis velit. Fusce non elit bibendum, viverra orci quis, dapibus nunc. Nulla facilisi. Duis hendrerit, sapien nec lobortis bibendum, dolor orci condimentum justo, suscipit ultricies sem tellus at dolor. Ut faucibus semper tempor. Vestibulum at aliquet nulla. Suspendisse at pellentesque nunc, vel porttitor lacus. Suspendisse consequat massa neque, quis tristique leo tristique.
$ 128.00
Facebook Comments & Plugins Comes Pre-Installed With Template

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